Design Document

Conditional Nested Data Structures

This is the design document for as I am calling it not “bitnest” for “nested bits”. The aim to explain the motivation for this package and how it is a needed piece in efficiently parsing binary packets of data. We hope to address why this is being built as well and how this is going to be built.


1553 Motivating Example

This work was motivated for client work that we were doing on parsing the chapter 10 specification. A detailed document on the specification can be found on the irig106 site however still leaves some ambiguity. Chapter 10 is a complex specification with many nested parts see the project atac/libirig106 for a detailed list of all the unique packet types. The key here is that these protocols are well defined. In the image bellow we show a fake but representative specification of a 1553 message (a type of chapter 10 packet) that also tries to detail some of the challenges.

_images/simplified-1553-packet.pngsimplified 1553 packet

You will see that a 1553 message is composed of a header that consists of a bus id that is an unsigned integer of 8 bits followed by either an RTToController or ControllerToRT frame. In order to determine which one it is we have to check the remote terminal address (5 bit unsigned integer) which both have. If the remote terminal address is 0x1f or 31 it is a ControllerToRT message otherwise it is an RTToController message. Additionally if it is an RTToController frame the number of words must be equal to zero. If it is a ControllerToRT message then the frame is followed by N 16 bit DataWords where N is equal to the number of words. To summarize there are two packets “datatypes” that are described by this specification.

_images/conditional-realized-nested-structures.pngconditional nested structures

The first datatype is 1553 Message[bus id, RTToController[CommandWord[remote terminal address, number of words]]] that maps out to a record of bus id, remote terminal address, and number of words. Notice how this datatype has a well defined static length 8 bits + 5 bits + 3 bits and has three conditions associated with it remote_terminal_address != 31, number of words == 0, and the length of the packet must be 16 bits.

The second datatype is a bit more complex 1553 Message[bus id, RTToController[CommandWord[remote terminal address, number of words], *DataWord[bits]]]. Where * indicates zero or more of the given datatype (a vector) and * is equal to the number of words field. Similar to datatype 1 the length is well defined though symbol 8 bits + 5 bits + 3 bits + (16 bits) * number of words. We also have two associated conditions: remote terminal address must equal 31 and the length of the packet must match the symbolic formula above.

Data Type Complications

While not shown in this example above additional complications show up in the fields seen within the chapter 10 data words section. First off we realize the fact that we are dealing with non byte-aligned fields of non standard lengths.

Non byte aligned makes it much more difficult to access the value of a given fields due to complex masking and shifting operations.

Non standard lengths pose a more complex problem however. Lets consider the case of a 6 bit two’s compliment signed integer. Ignoring edianess. In this standard the left most bit designates the sign of the integer: 1 negative and 0 positive. This alone brings the problem of translating this into a standard size that can be operated on take for example 100111. If we would like to operate on this as an 1 byte signed integer we need to move the left 1 left two places to 1XX00111. But what to do with the X’s? Well in the two’s compliment representation we will pad with 0 if it is positive and 1 if it is negative with our final result being 11100111. This problem becomes even more complicated when you consider the IEE-753 floating point specification. How do you handle different size exponent and decimal bits.

At the end of the day once a given packet has been parsed these data types must be accessible via byte aligned fields to allow for efficient computation. However this step should be deferred as long as possible since “realizing/creating” these values requires moving data. This step should not be required for matching a given packet with a specific data type.

Similar Problems and Approaches

Our use case is not unique. There are many binary protocols that are well defined similar to the chapter 10 specification. Many I would say are simpler protocols.

  • Ethernet, IP, TCP/UDP, HTTP (of course with many more branches for each layer) is the dominant use case

  • pyatv decodes a well defined binary protocol for audio and video

  • etherium protocol brownie, raiden

  • scancode scans binary files to determine the given file type and information about the file

  • nmigen interacting with emulated hardware devices

Complex well defined binary protocols are everywhere where information has to travel over the wire where bandwidth is at a premium. There are toolkits designed for working with some of these problems primarily in the networking space. We would like to highlight some of them:


Scapy is a python toolkit to crafting up and reading network packets. In addition these have a built in high level language for describing new frames. I’d argue this is a high level description of a frame within a packet.

class Disney(Packet):
    name = "DisneyPacket "

        XByteField("minnie",3) ,
        IntEnumField("donald", 1, { 1: "happy", 2: "cool" , 3: "angry" })

Lets say the Disney packet is at the application layer in the network stack. To me the missing piece here is given a full ethernet packet how do I efficiently parse it and return whether it is a Disney packet or HTTP packet? ScaPy doesn’t seem to have an efficient backend for parsing these custom packet types and does not have the logic to inspect the packet to determine if it is an HTTP packet (e.g. the first 4 bytes are HTTP) or if it is a Disney packet. The hope is that our proposed solution could be a backend for Scapy to efficiently parse network packets. Additionally currently scapy translates this problem into a python struct within the stdlib. For example the following would translate to.

import struct

packet = ...
struct.unpack('h3BB', packet)

However here see that we are conflating identifying the packet type and parsing the packet type. Also here they are working with bytes and not bits.

P4 Programming Language

Taken from wikipedia “P4 is a programming language for controlling packet forwarding planes in networking devices, such as routers and switches”. It is a domain specific language for describing network packets. This tool is specialized for the efficient parsing of network packets and based on a filtering specification certain packets are rejected and accepted. See here for a list of examples of the language. Below is a partial code example. Looking at the specification we can already see limitations on the data types that you can work with (e.g. no floating point support and non-signed two compliment integers). However it does support non-byte aligned bits. It would definitely be worth investigating how P4 works.

header ethernet_t {
    macAddr_t dstAddr;
    macAddr_t srcAddr;
    bit<16>   etherType;

header ipv4_t {
    bit<4>    version;
    bit<4>    ihl;
    bit<8>    diffserv;
    bit<16>   totalLen;
    bit<16>   identification;
    bit<3>    flags;
    bit<13>   fragOffset;
    bit<8>    ttl;
    bit<8>    protocol;
    bit<16>   hdrChecksum;
    ip4Addr_t srcAddr;
    ip4Addr_t dstAddr;

struct metadata {
    /* empty */

struct headers {
    ethernet_t   ethernet;
    ipv4_t       ipv4;


Traditional Approach

The P4 language and Scapy show a “high level” of representing binary protocols without necessarily specifying “how” to parse the packets. This however is not the typical approach. In the case of ethernet packets the dominant library is libpcap and related wrappers around this tool. These are hand written parsers for the given protocols they are given to parse. Take the 1553 problem stated above. Here I’d like to show pseudo code of a solution to demonstrate the typical approach.

class CommandWord:
    length = 8

    def __init__(self, packet):
        self.packet = packet

    def is_rttocontroller_frame(self):
        return self.packet[0:5] != 0x1f and self.packet[5:8] == 0x0

    def is_controllertort_frame(command_word)
        return command_word[0:5] == 0x1f

    def number_of_words(self):
        return int(command_word[5:8])

class DataWord:
    length = 16

def parse(packet):
    header_length = 8 + CommandWord.length

    # can't parse command words unless correct length
    if len(packet) < header_length:
        return "packet not known"

    command_word = CommandWord(packet[8:16])

    if command_word.is_rttocontroller_frame():
        if len(packet) == header_length:
            return "datatype 1"
    elif command_word.is_controllertort_frame():
        if len(packet) == (header_length + DataWord.length * command_word.length_of_words):
            return "datatype 2"

There certainly may be ways to simplify this code and write it better but one thing remains. The code has been expressed in this way so that it is easier to reason about. But what happends when you add an additional field to say the header. You now need to update the parser on header lengths etc. and there may be other new complex checks that you need to make. I believe that this is hard work that a compute could also generate from a high level specification of the data structures. The “checks” can be encoded as conditions that much be matched.

So to highlight some issues:

  • writing this code efficiently requires low level programming language knowledge

  • adding new fields can be tedious and non-intuitive how they change the parser

  • the parser is not self documenting. there is no way to self document the grammar that this parser handles

  • we not have one more parser for a specific binary protocol

  • testing requires example data from the protocol which for some applications where the packets are classified is difficult for collaboration with open source


I would argue that is starting to look like a well defined grammar of sorts. In Chomsky’s Hierarchy this feels almost like a regular expression. To me this is partially validated when I look at the P4 specification. In this issue and several other issues they describe P4 as a finite state machine and not turning complete. I’d even say this is a grammar that the code paths can be accounted for to create a highly optimized parser to parse the packets. We are proposing a high level declarative representation of the binary protocol. For example a representation of the 1553 Message shown above.

from bitnest.field import Struct, UnsignedInteger, Bits, Union, FieldRef, Vector

class CommandWord(Struct):
    fields = [
        UnsignedInteger("remote_terminal_address", 5),
        UnsignedInteger("number_of_words", 3),

class DataWord(Struct):
    fields = [
        Bits("data", 16),

class RTToController(Struct):
    name = "Remote Terminal to Controller"

    fields = [
        Vector(DataWord, length=FieldRef("CommandWord.number_of_words")),

    conditions = [
        (FieldRef("CommandWord.remote_terminal_address") == 0x1F)

class ControllerToRT(Struct):
    name = "Controller to Remote Terminal"

    fields = [

    conditions = [
        (FieldRef("CommandWord.number_of_words") == 0x0)

class MILSTD_1553_Message(Struct):
    """This is a mock specification for a MILSTD 1553 Message to be as
    simple as possible while still representative of the difficulty of
    handling specifications.


    name = "MIL-STD 1553 Mock Message"

    fields = [
        UnsignedInteger("bus_id", 8),

Here we describe a set of data structures which reference each other and data types within the fields attribute. Additionally there are a set of conditions that must be met in order for the given structure to be a valid path in determining the packet type. Said in another way if the conditions are not met for a given class e.g. ControllerToRT we know that the packet does not contain the path through the ControllerToRT and it is either an unknown packet datatype or a ControllerToRT packet. Using this high level description of the structures we can self document the protocol. This is also where the name for this work came from since it is a nested set of structures that satisfy given conditions. Bitnest already supports generating a graph visualization of the specification and markdown document of the specification shown below.

# MILSTD_1553_Message

This is a mock specification for a MILSTD 1553 Message to be as
simple as possible while still representative of the difficulty of
handling specifications.

## Structure

| name   | data type                                                                   | number of bits | description |
| bus_id | UnsignedInteger                                                             | 8              |             |
|        | Union[[RTToController](#RTToController), [ControllerToRT](#ControllerToRT)] |                |             |

# RTToController
## Structure

| name | data type                   | number of bits | description           |
|      | [CommandWord](#CommandWord) |                |                       |
|      | Vector                      |                | [DataWord](#DataWord) |

## Conditions

- 'CommandWord.remote_terminal_address' == 31

# CommandWord
## Structure

| name                    | data type       | number of bits | description |
| remote_terminal_address | UnsignedInteger | 5              |             |
| number_of_words         | UnsignedInteger | 3              |             |

# DataWord
## Structure

| name | data type | number of bits | description |
| data | Bits      | 16             |             |

# ControllerToRT
## Structure

| name | data type                   | number of bits | description |
|      | [CommandWord](#CommandWord) |                |             |

## Conditions

- 'CommandWord.number_of_words' == 0

# CommandWord

## Structure

| name                    | data type       | number of bits | description |
| remote_terminal_address | UnsignedInteger | 5              |             |
| number_of_words         | UnsignedInteger | 3              |             |

_images/bitnest-1553-graphviz.pnggraphviz output

While it is nice to be able to create documentation and visualize the specification ultimately it comes down to parsing performance. bitnest will act as a compiler of this high level domain specific python representation of nested conditional data structures and generate a parser.

In general the parser implementation should not matter. All that matters is that a performant program is produced. The easiest target that we see at this moment is numba which will JIT (just in time) produce an llvm compiled code to parse a given packet.

The pseudo code could go as follows. Since this is pseudo code of course the actual indexing and comparison of bits will be done via bit masks etc. but I’ll leave that as an implementation detail. Additionally since we know the packets that we are parsing we can optimize these condition evaluations as to minimize the number of evaluations and provide the shortest path for the most common packets. Similar to PGO in gcc though in our case we would analyze the data to inform our compiler on the optimal code paths.

def parser(packet):
    if len(packet) == 16 and packet[8:11] != 0x1f and packet[11:16] == 0:
         return "datatype 1"
    elif len(packet) >= 16 and len(16 + packet[11:16] * 16) == len(packet) and packet[8:11] == 0x1f:
         return "datatype 2"
         return "I have not clue what packet type this is!"

Would a human ever write this code? No! It is not maintainable and would be extremely prone to bugs. We are proposing a way to describe a given binary protocol at a high level and then implement a compiler to produce a parser of binary packets. Much like a regular expression is compiled into a parser for arbitrary strings of bytes.