

At a high level bitnest is a compiler that generates parsers for binary data. Compilers can be represented in three sections frontend, transform, backend. In literature the transform step is usually referred to as term-rewriting.


In the case of Bitnest the frontend is a python domain specific language (DSL). This was chosen because of the burden on creating new languages and that python is flexible enough to accurately represent the relationship between structs, fields, vectors, and unions. Great examples of these are in the models directory. Once a binary structure is represented in the model it is quickly converted into an internal AST done in bitnest/ The internal AST structures is simply a nesting of python tuples. Why such a simple structure? This simple structure makes the later stages much easier to handle. And in my opinion where LISP shines. These nested tuple structures are wrapped in the Expression class which allows for the pythonic construction of the AST. Sometimes this class makes it easier to build a tree. For example suppose we have 1 + a. In the internal AST this would be represented as

Expression((Symbol("add"), (Symbol("integer"), 1), (Symbol("variable"), "a")))

We can easily construct this using bitnest.core via Integer(1) + Variable("a").


Now that we have an internal AST we need to transform and analyze the AST. Often times it can be confusing when working with the internal AST since it is hard to keep track of the passes being made and where we are in the process. To help with this we have adopted the LLVM approach to working with the AST. We can think of each transformation as a logical pass over the tree. Within bitnest there are three types of passes.

The analysis pass will not modify the internal AST. It will analyze the AST and return information in python datastructures. See bitnest/analysis. An example is which returns the fields within each datatype, conditions for each datatype, and other useful information for understanding the AST.

The transform pass will modify the internal AST. The modifications can be simpler such as (Symbol("add"), (Symbol("integer"), 1), (Symbol("add"), (Symbol("integer"), 2), (Symbol("integer"), 3))) to (Symbol("add"), (Symbol("integer"), 2), (Symbol("integer"), 3). The idea is to convert (+ 1 (+ 2 3)) to (+ 1 2 3). This is just one example of a transformation. This transformation is done in bitnest/transform/

Finally we have the backend. This pass takes the internal AST after several transformations and generates code that can then be executed independent of the compiler. The simplest example of this is the bitnest/backend/ This will convert for example (Symbol("add"), (Symbol("integer"), 1), (Symbol("integer"), 2)) into ast.BinOp(ast.Add(), 1, 2) into (1 + 2). Here bitnest lowers the internal AST into the python ast which then gets written to python source code.

It is common for multiple passes to be performed. Each pass through the tree is done in a specific order. Using the following labeling node N, left most child node L, right most child node R. See tree traversal currently pre-order (NL->R) and post-order (L->RN) are being used. In some cases both are used together (see bitnest/transform/ which visit in the following pattern (NL->RN).


The backend as mentioned previously is responsible for generating executable code. The first example of this the python backend bitnest/backend/ However, are being written for more efficient execution.

End-To-End Example

Take the following example of a MILSTD 1553 Packet

from models.simple import MILSTD_1553_Message

MILSTD_1553_Message.expression() \
    .transform("realize_datatypes") \
    .transform("realize_conditions") \
    .transform("realize_offsets") \
    .transform("parser_datatype") \
    .transform("arithmetic_simplify") \

Will generate the following code. Currently simple output but this will improve over time.

__datatype_mask = 0
if __bits[8:13] == 31:
    __datatype_mask = __datatype_mask | 1
if __bits[13:16] == 0:
    __datatype_mask = __datatype_mask | 2

Internal AST Nodes

Bitnest uses a LISP like internal representation of the abstract syntax tree (ast). In this section we will describe the structure of each of these nodes. At a high level there are three types of nodes. Arithmetic nodes deal with math operations on variables. Field nodes are data representations of the structure and relationship between structures. Finally Programming nodes are used near the end of the AST transformation to represent things that are necessary for representing programs to process the structures.

Arithmetic Nodes

  • unary operation: invert not

  • logical and logical_and, logical or logical_or

  • bitwise and bit_and, bitwise or bit_or

  • addition add, subtraction sub, multiply mul, floor divide floordiv, true divide truediv all support N arguments (<op> <1> ... <N>)

  • modulus mod

  • equal eq, not equal ne, less than lt, greater than gt, less than equal le, greater than equal ge

  • integer integer

  • float float

  • enum enum

Field Nodes

  • field is sequential bits not necessarily byte aligned. There are many Field subclasses such as UnsignedInteger, SignedInteger, Bits, etc. which is represented by a

  • struct is an ordered collection of Fields, Union of Structs, and Vectors or Structs

  • union is a set of Struct’s

  • vector is N repeats of a given Struct represented as (Symbol('vector'), <Struct> <length>)

  • datatype is a representation of a concrete structure (without union in the tree) important for reasoning about the size of a structure. Generated in the realize_datatype transform pass.

Programming Nodes

  • quote is to protect it’s arg from evaluation (not used much in bitnest) but a valuable concept in lisp (quote (...))

  • list defined a list of N elements (represented as the args) (list <1> ... <N>)

  • assign meant for assignment statements e.g. (assign (variable a) (integer 1)) which is equivalent to a = 1.

  • variable which represents a given variable in the code that does not have a set value. (variable "<name>").

  • for convenience there is a UniqueVariable() constructor that is guaranteed to generate a unique variable name. Not used at the moment but a critical function needed for some AST transformation.

  • if for representing conditional statements to execute `(if (eq 1

    1. (assign (variable a) (integer 10)))which is equivalent toif (1 == 1): a = 10`. Currently else not implemented but may be valuable.

  • statements is a way of representing a list of statements. (statement (assign (variable a) (integer 10)) (assign (variable a) (add (variable a) (integer 20)))) which is equivalent to a = 10; a = a + 20.

  • index for indexing into a vector done via (index (variable a) (integer 20) (integer 30)) which is equivalent to a[20:30].

Python DSL

Suppose we have the simple structure. In python

class StructB(Struct):
    """All about StructB description"""

    name = "StructB"
    fields = [
        SignedInteger(name="FieldB", size=8, help="info about FieldB")

    conditions = [
        FieldReference('FieldB') == 0x10

class StructC(Struct):
    """All about StructB description"""

    name = "StructC"
    fields = [
        SignedInteger(name="FieldC", size=8, help="info about FieldC")

class StructA(Struct):
    """All about StructA description"""

    name = "StructA"
    fields = [
        Bits(name="FieldA", size=4, help="info about FieldA"),
        Union(StructB, StructC),

Get converted into the following lisp like structure. The structure can be thought of an the bitnest internal representation of a nested binary structure. Mentioned previously this list structure is wrapped in a bitnest.core.Expression object which allows for interacting with this structure in a more pythonic way.

(struct, 'StructA', 
    (field, 'bits', 'FieldA', None, (integer, 4), None, {'help': 'info about FieldA'}), 
      (struct, 'StructB', 
          (field, 'signed_integer', 'FieldB', None, (integer, 8), None, {'help': 'info about FieldB'})), 
          (eq, (field_reference, 'FieldB', None), (integer, 16))), 
        {'help': 'All about StructB description'}), 
      (struct, 'StructC', 
          (field, 'signed_integer', 'FieldC', None, (integer, 8), None, {'help': 'info about FieldC'})), 
        {'help': 'All about StructB description'}))), 
  {'help': 'All about StructA description'})


Once the structure has been formed there are many transform, analysis, and backend passes that can be done.

Transform Pass

Realize DataTypes

This transformation plays an important role and is usually the first transform that takes place. Its job is to calculate all the complete datatypes that can exist from a nested set of structs along with uniquely identifying each field in the structure. This pass is a post order traversal of the AST. Each field encountered is numbered and since the traversal is deterministic the field id is deterministic as well.

The first point of calculating all the paths that result in unique datatypes deserves more discussion. Take for example the representative Struct below. Each path through the structure represents the construction of a datatype.

class StructB(Struct):
    """All about StructB description"""

    name = "StructB"
    fields = [
        UnsignedInteger(name="FieldB", size=8, help="info about FieldB")
        Vector(StructD, length=FieldReference('FieldB'))

    conditions = [
        FieldReference('FieldB') == 0x10

class StructD(Struct):
    """All about StructD description"""

    name = "StructD"
    fields = [
        SignedInteger(name="FieldD", size=8, help="info about FieldD")

class StructC(Struct):
    """All about StructC description"""

    name = "StructC"
    fields = [
        SignedInteger(name="FieldC", size=8, help="info about FieldC")

class StructA(Struct):
    """All about StructA description"""

    name = "StructA"
    fields = [
        Bits(name="FieldA", size=4, help="info about FieldA"),
        Union(StructB, StructC),

Here is the general algorithm. When you encounter:

  • field node (field ...) this is a leaf node and results in one path.

  • union node (union [<s1>] ... [<s2>]) a union node results in the addition of each path in the union. Suppose (union [5] [3] [2]) where each element of the union has 5, 3, 2 paths then it will result in 9 total paths. We simply merge each path.

  • vector node (vector [<s1>] length) preserves the number of paths in [<s1>] thus if there were 4 paths then the application of vector would result in 4 paths.

  • struct node is the last an most tricky one to handle. Suppose we have (struct [<f1>] ... [<fn>]). The number of paths is the cross product of each field’s paths. Thus if there are (struct [4] [5] [2] [1]) paths for each field the number of resulting paths would be 4 * 5 * 2 * 1 = 40 paths. In the case of python we use itertools.product to calculate all combinations.

Lets look at the concrete example above. A high level representation of this structure (not the actual lisp representation).

(struct StructA
  (field FieldA)
    (struct StructB
       (field FieldB)
         (struct StructD
           (field FieldD))))
    (struct StructC
       (field FieldC))))

Lets walk through the tree is post order traversal (L->RN).

  • (field FieldA) -> [(field FieldA 0)]

  • (field FieldB) -> [(field FieldB 1)]

  • (field FieldD) -> [(field FieldD 2)]

  • (struct StructD [(field FieldD 2)]) -> [(struct StructD (field FieldD 2))]

  • (vector [(struct StructD (field FieldD 2))]) -> [(vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2)))]

  • (struct StructB [(field FieldB 1)] [(vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2)))]) -> [(struct StructB (field FieldB 1) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2))))]

  • (field FieldC) -> [(field FieldC 3)]

  • (struct StructC [(field FieldC 3)]) -> [(struct StructC (field FieldC 3))]

  • (union [(struct StructB (field FieldB 1) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2))))] [(struct StructC (field FieldC 3))]) -> [(struct StructB (field FieldB 1) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2)))), (struct StructC (field FieldC 3))]

  • (struct StructA [(field FieldA 0)] [(struct StructB (field FieldB 1) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2)))), (struct StructC (field FieldC 3))]) -> [(struct StructA (field FieldA 0) (struct StructB (field FieldB 1) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2)))), (struct StructA (field FieldA 0) (struct StructC (field FieldC 3))]

This shows the whole process and we see that it results in 2 datatypes:

  • (struct StructA (field FieldA 0) (struct StructB (field FieldB 1) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2))))

  • (struct StructA (field FieldA 0) (struct StructC (field FieldC 3))

These structures are most importantly deterministic and we can calculate all the positions for fields and easily write a parser for these datatypes. The only slight difficulty is in handling vectors since this makes the location of datafields depend on the length etc.

This transformation then wraps these paths in datatype nodes. It is important to preserve the lisp like datastructure to make future transformation compose nicely. Importantly we can see from this that the growth of the number of datatypes is roughly proportional to the product of the lengths/cardinality of all unions (ends up being slightly less depending on nesting).

  (datatype (struct StructA (field FieldA 0) (struct StructB (field FieldB 1) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2))))))
  (datatype (struct StructA (field FieldA 0) (struct StructC (field FieldC 3)))))

Realize Conditions

Once we have all the resulting datatypes we then need to link conditions with their corresponding fields. As mentioned in the previous translation each field has been assigned a field id (not shown in the example above).

Take for example the condition FieldReference('FieldB') == 0x10 within the StructB struct. Within bitnest this has an equivalent form.

(eq (field_reference "FieldB") (integer 0x10))

Once this traversal is complete the field id is updated to reflect the actual id within the tree. This is a little trickier than just aimlessly searching for the field within the tree since there can be multiple occurences of a field within a tree. Thus we have to traverse the tree to find the field from the place that the condition was added.

(eq (field_reference "FieldB" 1) (integer 0x10))

Realize Offsets

Take the example above. While not included in this high level description we have the size (number of bits).

  • FieldA (4 bits)

  • FieldB (8 bits)

  • FieldC (8 bits)

  • FieldD (8 bits)

  (datatype (struct StructA (field FieldA 0) (struct StructB (field FieldB 1) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2))))))
  (datatype (struct StructA (field FieldA 0) (struct StructC (field FieldC 3)))))

When we look at both of the datatypes we get the following structures:

  • [FieldA FieldB Vector(FieldD)]

  • [FieldA FieldC]

Also note that the Vector has length equal to the value of FieldB. From this we have all we need to calculate offsets from the beginning of the structure along with the total length. Lets start with the second one since the calculation is easier.

[FieldA FieldC]:

  • FieldA (size 4) (offset 0)

  • fieldC (size 8) (offset 0 + 4)

With the total size being 12 bits for the second datatype. Now lets look at the first datatype.

[FieldA FieldB Vector(FieldD)]

  • FieldA (size 4) (offset 0)

  • FieldB (size 8) (offset 0 + 4)

Now the next part is trickier we know that the total length of the vector is equal to FieldB. We need to calculate the size of the contents of Vector to know the total size of the datatype. In this case the inner structure is only FieldD but this can be more complex and we need to recursively calculate the size. This means we can only know the size of the message at runtime. This is okay we have a symbolic formula to calculate the size. The size of FieldD is 8 bits. Thus the formula for offset for FieldD (assume we assign i to the vector index.

  • FieldD (size 8) (offset 0 + 4 + 8 + (i * 8))

And the total size of the message is 0 + 4 + 8 + (FieldReference(FieldC) * 8). Since bitnest was designed to be symbolic this is a perfectly fine representation of the total length.

Arithmetic Simplify

This transformation is critical to for having easy to read expressions. Currently only addition operations are simplified. As additional simplification is needed this routine will be improved. Shows how expressions are simplified.

(+ 1 (+ a 3)) -> (+ 1 a 3) -> (+ a 4)
(+ 1 (+ 2 3)) -> (+ 1 2 3) -> (+ 6) -> 6

Parser Datatype

The parser datatype takes all of the information from the previous transformations to generate a program that can parse the datatype. All of the previous transformations were critical in getting enough information to write the program.

  (datatype (struct StructA (field FieldA 0 4 0) (struct StructB (field FieldB 1 8 4) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2 8 (12 + i*8)))))))  # total size 12 + FieldReference(FieldC) * 8
  (datatype (struct StructA (field FieldA 0 4 0) (struct StructC (field FieldC 3 8 4))))) # total size 12.

Additionally we have a condition for StructB.

  • (eq (field_reference "FieldB" 1) (integer 0x10))

In pseudo code we want to create a program that says the following:

if (FieldB == 0x10) and (length of message is 12 + FieldReference(FieldC) * 8):
   # it is datatype 1!
if (lenth of message is 12):
   # it is datatype 2!

This is exactly what this transformation generates. This is the power of having composible transformations! Note that this is a high level (not totally accurate portrayal of the programming AST). Notice that this AST that is emitted is language independent and can easily create efficient c and python code.

  (if (and (eq (field FieldB) 0x10) (len message (add 12 (mul (field_reference FieldC) 8))))
     (assign datatype 1)
  (if (len message 12)
     (assign datatype 2))))

Analysis Pass

The analysis passes do not return an Expression object. They do however ruturn python datastructures about the AST after running the analysis.

Inspect Datatype

Take the following example above once we have all the offsets etc. This analysis stage can be run earlier in the process it just requires datatype nodes to exist.

  (datatype (struct StructA (field FieldA 0 4 0) (struct StructB (field FieldB 1 8 4) (vector (struct StructD (field FieldD 2 8 (12 + i*8)))))))  # total size 12 + FieldReference(FieldC) * 8
  (datatype (struct StructA (field FieldA 0 4 0) (struct StructC (field FieldC 3 8 4))))) # total size 12.

Several outputs come from the analysis for each datatype:

  • fields

  • conditions

  • regions

fields is the list of fields that result from the datatype:

  • [FieldA FieldB Vector(FieldD)]

  • [FieldA FieldC]

conditions is the list of conditions for each datatype:

  • (eq (field_reference "FieldB" 1) (integer 0x10))

  • N/A

regions is so that we can understand the regions that a given struct/vector take.

  • StructA (0-4 bits), StructB (4-12 bits), Vector (12 - 12 + FieldReference(FieldC) * 8), StructD (12 - 12 + FieldReference(FieldC) * 8)

  • StructA (0-4 bits), StructC (4-12 bits)


Currently there is only a python backend and soon a c backend. But future ones should be easy enough to add.


Take the following expression to see how the python backend works.

(eq (add (integer 1) (variable "a")) (integer 3))

We visit the tree in post order.

  • (integer 1) -> ast.Constant(1)

  • (variable "a") -> ast.Name("a")

  • (add ast.Constant(1) ast.Name("a")) -> ast.BinOp(ast.Add() ast.Constant(1) ast.Name("a"))

  • (integer 3) -> ast.Constant(3)

  • (eq ast.BinOp(ast.Add() ast.Constant(1) ast.Name("a")) ast.Constant(3)) -> ast.Compare(ast.BinOp(ast.Add() ast.Constant(1) ast.Name("a")), ops=[ast.Eq()], comparators=[ast.Constant(3)])

Now that we have the ast representation in python ast.Compare(ast.BinOp(ast.Add() ast.Constant(1) ast.Name("a")), ops=[ast.Eq()], comparators=[ast.Constant(3)]) we can astor.tosource(...) on the ast and get the source code.

((1 + a) == 3)